The root cause of the issue
we know more about that, and, there is some bug in amazon systems. we are same company name and ID to register our amazon account. and use different mail, same IP.
company information:
shenzhenshi weishangxxx keji youxian gongsi
Social Credit Code: 91440300MA5FLBxxxx
you can check our attachment file.
The actions that you have taken to resolve the issue
maybe there is some bug in amazon system,just now we open case on our amazon and send mail to amazon company office. Case ID: 6037213152 and 6037073712 case ID: 2078944213
and provide evidence.
The steps that you have taken to prevent the issue going forward
we never do Multi-account operations, never, we know its very dangerious. our products is very expensive, and we Invest so much money, just want to do long business.we run amazon several years, never meet this close any account because of this multi-accounts.there must be some problems in your system.and for our, just one any more account. too much strange for this time.
We are under the same set of information, under the same IP,
Applied and
We do not have multiple account operations.
Please review them. Is there something bug with your system?
Please check and restore our account as soon as possible,
we have make our account information, and evidence on this attachment file. what esle profile you want to provide, we can provide according to your need.
really do hope you can check well, dont make this Messy situation to disturb us sell.
we need forcus on this you will broke us trust amazon business. please.
thank you very much